We are a spiritual, social and service organization which exists to promote fellowship among the Ladies of St. Francis (LOSF). We are affiliated with the Austin Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (ADCCW) - an organization of women committed to God, family, parish, council and the Diocese of Austin. It has served as the united official voice of Catholic women in Central Texas since 1948.
This group values social contact and shares ideas, concerns and developments critical to the lives and works of Catholic women, uniting the affiliate organizations, such as LOSF and individuals throughout the US and enables members to grow in spirituality, leadership and service. In turn, the ADCCW is affiliated with the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) which works for the same purpose nationwide.
At St. Francis, we conduct and assist with fundraisers benefiting the Parish; we prepare meals, prayer blankets and other items for parishioners in need due to illness or death of a loved one. Active membership at LoSF provides you social interaction, volunteer activities, a way to help with physical and spiritual needs of the Parish and its members; and stay informed regarding our Church activities.
All the ladies of the parish are invited to attend the meetings which are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 10 AM. The Mass precedes the meeting and is offered for the intentions of the organization. A Christmas Social Gathering will be scheduled in December.
We know you might be reluctant to become active or more active member of LOSF due to the already unbelievably busy workload, children, family and other volunteer activities the list goes on and on. Yet, your involvement with LoSF can be as full: out serving on every committee, with every fundraising activity and as an officer; or it can be as low-key as coming to one meeting a year, provide one visitation and meal delivery a year to an ill person in the parish, assisting for a few hours with a fundraising activity or just praying for the needs of our parish family. Although there is no pressure to be a member, we would love to have you on board.
Please consider this an Invitation to join us at LOSF.
Ladies of St. Francis Board Members:
President: Joan Guild
VP: Donna Manthei
Treasurer: Jayne Longley
Secretary: Emily Priestly
Under the LOSF, some of the Ladies serve in the following ministries:
Spirituality: Linda Braswell & Donna Manthei
Altar Society: Jayne Longley
CEF: Sandra Macias
SonShine: Lorine Corn & Jayne Longley
Some of the services the LoSF offer is to provide funds for:
Altar linens, wine and host
Church receptions
Clergy Vestments
Sanctuary Candle (To have one lit and offered for your intentions, please call Sandra Macias).