At St. Francis, we have these annual family get together events.
The Annual Fish & Shrimp Fry was held in September at the Pridgeon Center. The Raffle was also a part of this fundraiser and 3 winners were drawn: Holli Johnson, Ashley Abraham & Steve Corn.
Each year on Saturday before Lent, there is a marvelous get-together we call St. Francis' Mardi Gras. The 2025 date will be announced soon. Thank you for all your support of this event.
Other Events:
Every Sunday following the 9:30 AM Mass, all are invited to the Parish Hall for coffee, doughnuts and fellowship.
Every Wednesday of the school year, our students and teachers will occupy the parish hall for Religious Education (RE). All classes are held from 6 - 7 PM. Parents are to accompany their children into the classroom, sign them in and out when they pick them up after class.
Monthly breakfasts are held on the first Sunday of the month (except February & September). Next up: October 6.
Monthly dinners are held on the last Saturday of each month. Next one up is September 28.
Vacation Bible School is also held here every year during summer. This year, it was held on July 8-12 from 9 AM to 1 PM. Check out our photo albums about last year's VBS: Flying with the Saints!