Lord, Make me a Channel of Your Peace. Where there is hatred, let me bring Your Love. Where there is injury, Your Pardon. And where there's doubt, True Faith in You. Where there is despair in life, let me bring Hope. Where there is darkness, only Light. Where there is sadness, ever Joy. Master, grant that I may never seek much to be consoled as to console. To be understood as to understand, To be loved as to love with all my soul. It is in pardoning we are pardoned, In giving of ourselves that we receive; and in dying that we are born to Eternal Life. Amen! |
![]() St. Francis, Pray for us! |
WhyOurLady.com and WhyPrayers.com are websites from St. Francis Church
to help us better know the Blessed Virgin Mary and her role in God's plan of salvation;
and that her every word in every apparition always leads us to know God thru a prayerful life
and His ultimate justice and merciful love, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Father is available for Confessions half an hour before each Mass
SF Projects:
The new Bell Tower and extended canopy project is almost finished. Redrawing the Sanctuary of the Church will be next.
Mass w/ Vietnamese Community:
Vietnamese Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Andrew Dinh on Sunday, February at 6 PM.
Memorial Wall:
As a project for the LOSF, we have adorned the wall of the Church alcove with Memorial Crosses for the deceased members of the Parish. Come and take a look at The SF Cross Wall.
SF Gift Station:
We have items for every special occasion: from Baptism to First Holy Communion to Confirmation; and even for the home: wall Crucifix, plaques, holy water fonts & bottles, saint medals and books. All donations for these items go toward the maintenance of the Altar. The Station is OPEN during office Hours and Wednesday before and after RE Classes.
You can also find this information in your Sunday Bulletin.
Rowdy Watkins, Alli, Mary Lou Badlissi, Aiden, Lorine Fajkus, Mary Kramr, Jane Honea, Tom Prebish Jr., Tracy Prebish, Rusty Harding, Holly Cobb, Helen Barnett, Jennifer Matthews, Odelia Perez and for all those who need God's healing, spiritually and physically: let us pray to the Lord...
For +Marie & Marion Stawnicz and all the deceased, may their souls repose in God: let us pray to the Lord...
Provided by CoolFundraisingIdeas.net
Thank You All!
Goal: $140,000.00
Returns: $42,000.00 (30%)
Over the Goal: $84,650.00
Returns: $59,255.00 (70%)
Total Returns: $101,255.00
Thank You for joining us in fulfilling SF goal. You can make your donation at EncounteringChristCampaign.org.